Chronic health problems are widespread. Statistics indicate that over 20% of the Indian population suffers from at least one chronic disease. Such diseases are easy to acquire but very difficult to get rid of. Our (so-called) modern lifestyle, stress and ignorance are great contributors to it. In the last 15 years, there has been a spike in chronic conditions like diabetes, asthma, heart diseases, arthritis and COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease). These health conditions require regular medical services at home and proper care for a systematic recovery and to prevent the condition from becoming acute problems.

Chronic Disease Management Program (CDMP), also commonly known as Disease Management Protocol (DMP), has been adopted in many developed countries like the USA and Germany to provide regular and periodic home medical care to chronic patients. In fact, countries like Germany have even made such disease management programs compulsory right from the very first diagnosis of the disease.

Why do you need such a plan?

Most of the times, patients with chronic illnesses become careless once they observe slight improvements in their heath. They mistake this improvement as being cured of the ailment. As a result, they tend to skip their medication and physiotherapy treatment at home. They may also avoid further visits to the doctor. Due to this, the condition sometimes worsens and the patients have to then get admitted to the hospital to undergo critical treatment. This not only hassles the patients and their family members but also incurs a lot of expenses in the form of medication and hospital bills.

Why QuickCare?

QuickCare pledges to bring effective Disease Management Program services into your comfort zone. A regular clinical monitoring and timely optimisation of medications is the need of the hour. We have designed unique yearly packages, wherein the multidisciplinary team will comprehensively monitor your condition and manage your illness effectively in your home. Our specialised physicians will conduct periodic visits to monitor your condition, our experienced nurses will take care of you regularly at specified intervals and we will provide the right medical equipment for home use. This will ensure that your condition remains in check, reduce readmission rates significantly and will also facilitate early systematic recovery by avoiding hospital-acquired infections. Preventive medicine is the best way to avoid hospitalisation and morbidity, which in turn will save you significant costs over the long term.

QuickCare offers comprehensive and transparent Chronic Disease Management Programs to shield your family. The four main long term benefits of our Disease Management Programs are:

  • Continuous monitoring and optimization of the treatment
  • Reduction in overall hospital re-admission rates
  • Prevention of exposure to hospital-acquired infections
  • Reduces the overall healthcare financial burden
Family Shield Packages
  • Diabetes Care Packages
  • Hypertension Care Packages
  • COPD/Asthma Care Packages
  • Arthritis/Allied Packages
  • Chronic Heart Disease Care Packages
  • Post Stroke Care Packages
  • Other Chronic Care Packages

Comprehensive Home diagnostic Packages

Coming soon

Travel & Activity Risk Assessment/Fitness Certification

Coming soon

Request a Prescription (for follow-up cases only)

May require further inquiry